the other day taylor and i went to watch her little brother, andrew test for his yellow strip in taekwondo. it was really cool to see all different age groups test with black belts in hopes to go to the next level. andrew did a really good job. they had to practice combinations, self defense, spar and my favorite break wood boards. and in the end he achieved his stripe! :)
both of my roommates (dave...shown above... & adam) work at a mixed martial arts gym here on wrightsville beach called, evolution. every once in awhile i will take a cardio-kickboxing class at that gym. when i take that class there usually is a class in the next room where i have been able to watch a few guys roll in their gi. i have only seen video of my roommates rolling, but am fascinated by what they do.
as i was sitting there watching the taekwondo i asked taylor how much it cost to join that program. i love the principles of all mixed martial arts programs & i think its an amazing work out. i don't think i am strong enough or disciplined enough to ever even dabble in mma but i really love to watch it and want to learn more & more about the practice.
That's a really good picture. KEEYAH!
I hope dave is the one kicking and not the guy being kicked in the face.
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