i consider myself good with directions and rarely ever get lost. i constantly am getting mad at my best friend jessica bc she can get us lost going from her house to the front of her neighborhood. we have been on trips together where she has told me the wrong way to go and i would get so mad at her that we would not be able to talk until i was ready to speak to her again!
so as i was driving tonight i started to get the feeling that i was wasn't on interstate 95. as i looked around i noticed that 95 had turned into 264 (later was told that i had to get off an exit for that to happen...but i swear i didn't get off an exit.) at that same time a huge sign was also welcoming me to the east carolina university. although i was infuriated with myself for getting myself so off course, sometimes you have to make lemonade out of lemons right?
so i ended up calling emily who is attending ecu's pa program, crossing my fingers that she would answer. after her laughter stopped she gave me the directions to her house.
my trip back to wilmington has been extended until tomorrow.
i am going to go grab a beer (or 6) with a friend.
***i still however would like not to be judged by this situation and would still like to pride myself with being good at/with directions!
Oh...poor Lindsey! I thought about calling you last night, but I thought you would have been tucked in your bed. I'm so sorry you got lost. Hope the beer made you feel better.
glad you made it to a friends house at least. getting lost can be frustrating.
after reading your post though, i was looking at google maps, and to go from I-95 to US-264 you definitely needed to go on a small exit that takes you on a circle to the next freeway. i would definitely be interested in going back to see what you were thinking/doing at the time you went on that exit...
way to put salt on an open wound paul!
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