Thursday, February 26, 2009

days off.

i feel like i have been slacking on my blog post. i thought it was because i don't have a camera and many of the post i have wanted to do would best be described with a picture. but then last night i had my first night off in more then a week from school, running and work and realized those are the reasons why i have not been consistent with my blog posting. i do not want to bore my friends (and by friends i mean my 2 sisters bc they are the only ones who read this) with tower 7 nonsense or how each mile felt while running. & bc both of those 2 subjects always end with the same pissed off & running=over it.

with the trip to nicaragua coming up (9 more days) i have been trying to work as much as possible. the other day i was just thinking that i haven't really hung out with just the girls in so long. which is weird for us bc we atleast try and get together for a little while once a week. then i realized that we are all going on this vacation together and are trying to schedule ourselves at work as much as possible and limit how much we go out. and with spring break coming up, for those of us in school, spring break equals midterms. i am so ready for vacation.

yesterday off from everything was amazing. i ran errands, went to the beach with kalhua, worked out in the gym and actually went out to a restaurant sat down and got waited on! 

tonight i am off of work again. school and my run have been completed. i plan to spend the rest of my day wandering around barnes & noble then maybe going to hot yoga. i love days off :)


D.R. Elliot said...

I resent the comment about who reads this. And FULL days off are amazing. Soon enough, soon enough.

D.R. Elliot said...

Oops this is Taylor. I forgot I was signed in under Ross' email.

Jessica Robrts said...

I totally stalk you out via your blog regularly as well...and I'm not a smith sister. can I get some recognition?