Friday, March 27, 2009


this is the position i have been in for the past 5 days. (i know you would think by now i would have painted my toenails.)

rest. ice. compress. elevate.

i am going stir crazy. yesterday i wasn't able to take it anymore. i borrowed my roommate adam's ankle wrap and tried to go to the gym for a small workout and then go to the store to grab some groceries. it blew my mind how many people came up to me to ask me what had happened and then either voice their concern or give me their expert medical advice. i don't care what YOU think i should do. i KNOW what i should be doing. it just baffles me bc i would never walk up to someone i did not know to even say hello. 

a couple of months ago my roommate adam tore his meniscus, which isn't even comparable to the stupid thing i did to my ankle. he had to sit around for 3 months before he could even have surgery. and then had a good month to try and  build it back up. im in awe of how he handled the situation. bc if that was me by the end of the recovery period i don't think i would have any friends left and my roommates would have defiantly kicked me out (christy & mom this is why i have not called you back.) but i guess on a positive note i would have a very up-to-date facebook page.

anyways, this is the last i want to talk about my ankle. maybe if no one talks about it then the pain and swelling will all go away.  so if you see me limping around just pretend its my new walk and its normal.

tonight will be my first night trying to work on it. wish me luck and send me pain meds.


Paul Gyorfi said...

can i ask about the cankle?

Hamilton said...

can i ask about the cankle?