the start of march has begun the preparation for tourist here at wrightsville beach. parking enforcement spent the last weekend of february setting up parking meters and are now patrolling the streets giving out their bright orange parking tickets. wrightsville beach during the winter is an amazing place to be. due to the cold weather i feel like i have taken advantage of it.
during the winter season there is no traffic (both cars and people), the restaurant and bars are filled with locals (filled not packed out so you can make it out of the bar without getting puked on which has happened to me twice during the summer), dogs are allowed to play on the beach, the beach is quiet and empty & i'm allowed to drive to work without worrying that my car is going to be towed. the list could go on & on of reasons why i enjoy the slow season at wb.
when i get back from nicaragua (3 more days) this town will have a different air about it. although, i am excited monetary wise i am going to miss the peace, solitude and quietness of this town.
1 comment:
Yes! I remember those quiet days too!! I miss Wrightsville!!! Enjoy!!
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