Sunday, May 31, 2009

its only a number

i made the stupid mistake of getting on the scale the other day to see if i have gained a few lbs since the last time i weighed myself. i have noticed that my body has changed over the last two months and was curious to see what the scale said. it confirmed my thoughts. i know i need to realize that its only a number and that the last time i weighed myself i was training for a marathon. but its still hard to see especially when you live on the beach and are surrounded by skinny beautiful girls everywhere.

i feel like body image is an issue i think about daily. i try really hard to have a positive attitude towards my body and how i look. i even want to build a career on helping  others have a positive body image by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. i feel that i sometimes perceive myself as being bigger then i am because of how i used to look during my college years. its a weight and a lifestyle i do not ever want to go back to. and sometimes i get scared because i think it can be a slippery slope. instead of getting caught up in how i think others perceive how i look i want to concentrate on being more conscious of what and how much i put into my body. for example: instead of eating 4 chocolate chip cookies a day ill cut it back to one per week...we will see how that goes!

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. 


Lauren Gyorfi said...

if you're not going to eat those cookies can we work out sending them to me? besides, i saw you just a few weeks ago and I think you look hot. You are in excellent shape and could kick my ass in any athletic activity. If you think about anything you should think about how to be more lazy so your older sister doesn't feel like such a bum in comparison.

Jessica Robrts said...

those dang harris teeter chocolate chip cookies. gets me everytime!

ps. you're a hottie with a body.

Unknown said...

i agree that it is difficult not to get caught up in body image. and that its hard not to judge yourself against others... especially at the beach when some skinny bitch in prancing around in a couple inches of fabric...

however, lindsey, you are beautiful on both the inside AND out. and that is what truly matters most. and its also one of the many reasons why i love (and miss) you so much :)

Ginny said...

Thanks for the inspirational quote!!! I need to get myself back in the gym pronto!!!!

christy said...

Anytime you finish a marathon your body is bound to change a bit. And you also had an injury to deal with. ( least you aren't knocked up and on your way to gaining 55 pounds!)

A healthy lifestyle seems like a very positive goal. Good luck with that.

And, of course, you are beautiful!

christy said...

I hope Lauren was referring to herself as the bum...and not me. :)

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